December Worship Assignments Posted by Picasa

- Dec. 15 at Dave VanGuilder's home at 6:30 p.m. Address is 1390 Clover Ln. Bring appetizers or finger foods or whatever you call these things. Here's a Map that will get you in the general area.
- January Adult Fellowship will be hosted by the Brookins. More information will be posted soon.
- Regular worship and Bible classes times are in effect for the holidays.

- John Brookins had surgery on his shoulder and is home resting. Pray for his quick recovery.
- Jerrod had follow-up tests on Monday, Dec. 11, and he gets an all clear from the doctors. It was really good news and we want to thank God for his recovery.
- Pray for Linda's strength to grow and thanks that she is doing so well.
- Help for the college kids finishing up the Semester and traveling home at Christmas.
- Pray for Abigail Martin. She is going through some medical examinations for have a couple of night seizures.